Summer Series
Based on summer memories, this issue explores how artifacts can be experienced with non-traditionally. We created a 365-page, perfect-bound one-off, each page uniquely designed with summer memories. Attendees were invited to tear out pages, reflecting on the fleeting nature of memories, and symbolizing their personal connection to the experience.
For this issue, I developed the concept, wrote descriptions and copy for the release, designed 96 of the 365 pages, assisted in event production and planning, and handcrafted the final publication.
Based on summer memories, this issue explores how artifacts can be experienced with non-traditionally. We created a 365-page, perfect-bound one-off, each page uniquely designed with summer memories. Attendees were invited to tear out pages, reflecting on the fleeting nature of memories, and symbolizing their personal connection to the experience.
For this issue, I developed the concept, wrote descriptions and copy for the release, designed 96 of the 365 pages, assisted in event production and planning, and handcrafted the final publication.
Editorial Team
Aldon Chen, Evelyn Luu, Howard Hsu, Jaiwon Lee, Nick Rheem, Rebecca Brown, Sahar Habashi, Sean Nagao
8.5” x 5.5” x 3.5”
365-page calendar
Hand-painted book slip
Aldon Chen, Evelyn Luu, Howard Hsu, Jaiwon Lee, Nick Rheem, Rebecca Brown, Sahar Habashi, Sean Nagao
8.5” x 5.5” x 3.5”
365-page calendar
Hand-painted book slip

While developing the publication, we wanted to experiment with how the viewer can interact with a “traditional” artifact and exhibition.

We created a 365-page, perfect-bound one-off of summer memories, each page uniquely designed. Those who attended the event were able to tear a page (or a few) from the takeaway.

Just like memories and time, fleeting and special to an individual, we wanted to translate this concept into the event.